The Minnesota Building Movers Association is a group of Minnesota-licensed building movers working together on issues that affect the house-moving industry in Minnesota. The MBMA began in the mid-1970's when movers decided it was time to get together to represent their industry.
- To stimulate awareness of Building Moving as a safe, economical way of recycling building materials that would otherwise end up in Minnesota landfills.
- To provide affordable housing for families in Minnesota.
- To work with MNDOT and county personnel to preserve moving routes and address permitting concerns.
- To educate the general public, media, elected officials, and other decision-makers about the benefits of recycling buildings.
- To promote high standards of business ethics.
- To provide members with better business methods and the exchange of ideas and information among building movers.
- - Eliminated mileage limits on state permits for Building Movers.
- - Established a standardized moving contract available to all members.
- - Helped pass the state license law making it easier to permit with cities and counties.
- - Established corridor moving routes in the 7-county metro area, wire heights maintained at 24 feet.
- - Helped keep several routes open by meeting with designers and establishing changes to design.
- - Railroad insurance requirements made more reasonable.
- - Increase hours of travel on state permits; many counties follow state requirements.
- - Have yearly meetings with state and county Engineers.
- - Worked with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency to not require the asbestos in the part of the house that is not being disturbed to remain in place.
- - Work with LRT in Minneapolis to keep a few crossings open for Building Movers.